Monday, February 15, 2010

End of of another season and wrap-up.

It's that time again, to say our good-byes for one part of our lives and say hello to the new adventures ahead. I finished my second summer season at the South Pole and I will say that it went very well. The last couple of weeks may have been hectic with us being short-handed for a while and the rest of the swing shift crew in the other departments essentially working night due to the flight schedule. All in all, we made it and everybody can move on to the next phase in their objectives.

As for myself I'm relieved that I back and that I can sit back and enjoy myself for a little while. But before then, a brief introduction to the people that I worked with this year. Tim (left) was our supervisor and will be wintering after a second effort. We also have Molly (second from right) our lieutenant from the Air Guard and Dale (right), a former Air Force meteorologist who likes good beer and Nebraska football.

On my way back, I finally caught my first penguin on camera while waiting to board the C-17 at McMurdo. This is rare for me since there is no wildlife at the Pole, so I'm lucky to have a good shot of it.

Happy trails everyone and I'll hope to see you again soon.

1 comment:

jeanette said...

great penguin I look forward to more photos when you get home and keep us updated on the HK trip!