Sunday, February 15, 2009

One way to go but North and many, many people.


I'm a little late in writing this, but I did finish my summer season on the ice and I made it back to Christchurch, NZ late Friday night. After some days getting adjusted to the real world to things like grass, night, kids and rain, I think that I'm getting back into the fold.

Also, as much as it's has been about myself on this blog, there are plenty of friends along the way that made this trip a lasting experience. When I got first here in Christchurch in October, I ran into these guys at orientation in Denver. Moving from left to right, we have myself, Jason then Justin who both worked at McMurdo Station, Flint Hamblin in Cryo, Craig Wheeler the Greenhouse Tech and Shelby Handlin the DA turned prep cook. The last three all worked at the Pole.
The next set includes the group that had to have spent the most time with me, the Met office crew. From left to right, Tim Markle, my supervisor, myself, Krissie Shiroma, Mike Carmondy, the Met coordinator, and Bob Bedner.
The last set includes my roommates at McMurdo while we were all heading to Pole. I got close to all of them, even though I was the last to come and the first to leave. From left to right, we have Aydin Christmann, Daniel Jablonski, Monty "Big Sexy" Myrtle, Derek "Storm" Schott and Damien Henning.
I hope this shows the type of social interactions and friendships I built over the past four months. In the meantime, I'm looking forward with my time off and chillaxing on the lower half of the world before heading back home on the beginning of next month.

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