Sunday, October 23, 2011

Foruth time is the charm....maybe?

Hello again,

I am back onto the frozen continent down south for another stint as supervisor in my department and I have been in McMurdo for one week already and I'm planning to go to Pole for work tomorrow. *knocks on wood.

The good thing going for me is that I have familiar faces that I'm working with this season, so the spin-up at the start should not take as long.

Meanwhile, before arriving on the ice, I did spend some time in Christchurch as things were so much different now than when I was there previously. There was a pretty nasty aftershock over there the day after I left on February and that it crippled the CBD and the usual haunts that I go down to and visit. But with downtown off limits, this did give me a chance to see some more spots around the city. For example, I caught the semifinal match of the Rugby World Cup with the All Blacks (New Zealand) and Australia over at one of the few remaining pubs in the city between the CBD and the airport. The two folks represent the match-up during the final between France and New Zealand. I enjoyed my time there and in case you haven't paid full attention over the past couple of years with the blog, New Zealand is crazy about the game of rugby.

The other shot features flying over the sea ice in the C-17 over Antarctica the day after the match, so it was a busy 24 hours with me during that stretch, but it's pretty par for the course for me now.

Sit back and enjoy more tales from me this season and take care now.

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