Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The End of Season Four.

Hey everyone,

Well, I think that it's fitting that I post this when I'm back home now in regards to this post.

Overall, the season went very well.  It went by very quickly and I was very busy as well so I didn't have a chance to do any much extracurricular activities outside of Pole life this year (i.e., writing this blog).  I couldn't have a great season without a great staff to back me up.  Rolf and Jeremiah managed to return for more fun this season.  The newest member of the team was Clint.  He is another former member of the Air Force and a wine connoisseur.

I don't know how things will go with the new contractor for next season.  I might be back, I might not.  If it's the former, I'll do a better job in terms of updating the blog in the next go around.  If it's the latter, it has been fun posting here and telling the world why I'm here and what I do.

Time will tell....

Saturday, January 28, 2012

If no news is good news, then late publicity is good publicity?

It's me again,

Once again, catching up on late posts has seem to bite me lately.  However, this post does bring some good news and a link too...

An all-time record high was set on Christmas with a temperature of -12.3C/9.9F, which broke the 33 year old record of -13.6C/7.5F plus snowfall was recorded by yours truly.  Full details are located here courtesy of MSNBC.

This calls for a celebratory drink.  Have one one me and take care.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wait, isn't a centennial celebration is supposed to be once every hundred years?

Hi again,

Another gap between posts might mean something big is coming up, right? 

Well, this summer season so happens to be the 100th anniversary Roald Amundsen's and Robert Scott's expedition to South Pole.  We had two special events at Pole this year, the Norwegian ceremony on December 14th and the Scott ceremony on January 17th.  The December event had a lot more pomp and circumstance which included a visit from the Norwegian Prime Minister (picture with yours truly).  The January event was a little more subdued since even though Scott team did arrive at Pole, they were not as lucky on the return trip as they died 11 miles away from their next food depot.

I at least wanted to give my respects this go around for the intrepid men who made the trek under extremely cold and harsh conditions to test the limits of man and to pursue scientific endeavors.  It is remarkable that even after 100 years that same spirit lives within people in different forms today.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eclipse...No,, it's New Moon...Definitely Eclipse


Another late add by yours truly, but us Antarctic folk were treated with a rare partial solar eclipse on the 25th of November.  It covered about 77% of the sun and the event lasted about two hours.  It was fun to see the community out and about the day before Thanksgiving taking part in the event.  A nice reward for everyone working hard during that first month of the summer season. 

Ironically enough, there was a total lunar eclipse on the other side of the world (back home) two weeks later.  So it was nice to share with the other hemisphere the beauty that these celestial bodies can give us. 

In case if I don't write again, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I pity the foo' who doesn't respect Bingo!


Yep, that's me out there as Mr. T.  I did some volunteering at South Pole by leading the Bingo game last month.  The normal person who had done it became ill and wasn't able to participate.  So some people on the station wanted someone to lead the way and I was willing to step in.  I decided to do an 80's theme for the Bingo night and I took things up a notch.  I definitely had a lot of fun that night calling numbers and see who else dressed up.  There were also great reviews from the community as well.  It sounds like something that I might do again someday but probably not for the rest of the season.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Almost a month?

Hi again,

It's been nearly a month since I got a hold of you last.  I hope things are going well for you out there.  For me, the season has gone lightning fast, thanks to an able crew that I'm working with, plus all of the other duties that end up falling into my lap it seems over the past six weeks.  I'm handling the other responsibilities okay, but I just don't want to lose sight of why I came down here, which is to perform my primary job to the best of my capability.  I do need to catch up on station life's little tales shortly in a future post, but generally things have gone well so far and I'm mulling whether I would like to continue this past February.

Stay tuned for now and thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Foruth time is the charm....maybe?

Hello again,

I am back onto the frozen continent down south for another stint as supervisor in my department and I have been in McMurdo for one week already and I'm planning to go to Pole for work tomorrow. *knocks on wood.

The good thing going for me is that I have familiar faces that I'm working with this season, so the spin-up at the start should not take as long.

Meanwhile, before arriving on the ice, I did spend some time in Christchurch as things were so much different now than when I was there previously. There was a pretty nasty aftershock over there the day after I left on February and that it crippled the CBD and the usual haunts that I go down to and visit. But with downtown off limits, this did give me a chance to see some more spots around the city. For example, I caught the semifinal match of the Rugby World Cup with the All Blacks (New Zealand) and Australia over at one of the few remaining pubs in the city between the CBD and the airport. The two folks represent the match-up during the final between France and New Zealand. I enjoyed my time there and in case you haven't paid full attention over the past couple of years with the blog, New Zealand is crazy about the game of rugby.

The other shot features flying over the sea ice in the C-17 over Antarctica the day after the match, so it was a busy 24 hours with me during that stretch, but it's pretty par for the course for me now.

Sit back and enjoy more tales from me this season and take care now.